November 18, 2013

Be proud of Agnese Rakovska: The Interview


I want to start off by congratulating all fellow Latvians as it’s our 95th independence day. Today should be all about celebrating who we are and being proud of our small nation and it’s people. And in a way it’s exactly what this article is about. And I really want you all to feel proud of the amazing Agnese Rakovska, who is not only the lead singer for the band Triana Park, but also a trend setter, style icon and a personal favorite of mine. I still remember the chills her music combined with her eccentric style gave me years ago when I first saw her perform. And that amazement has not disappeared, it’s only gotten stronger. After this introduction I bet you can tell how honored and excited I was when I found out that she agreed to do an interview for my blog!


Agnese describes her personal style outside Triana Park as very simple ‘I like monochromatic colors, although sometimes it all can go ”nuts” and I can look like a rainbow - it really depends on my mood. Last two years I was stuck on the black color and it seemed to me a very reasonable choice, as it fits almost anything,' but now she admits to have fallen for pink stuff, 'hearts, cats and cosmic flashes are what I love at this moment!' Cosmic flashes definitely go with the blog layout. I wanted to find out how influential her personal style is to the band, 'Triana Park is an experiment. After doing all the stuff we have done, I feel like we need to move on. I am not the same person I was 5 years ago.’ She admits that Triana Park’s fashion is not so much about her individual style but more about the unconscious borders that she needed to set during the period. ‘It is more about the journey and the possibilities - expressive images and pixels are only the resonant parts of my inner motivation to express myself.’


I was eager to find out what inspires her both musically and fashion-wise. Agnese tells me that she loves music and fashion that lives outside the time gate. ‘If the song seems to be as cool as it was 10 years ago, it is definitely a good song! The same is with fashion - the style though rotates in spiral somehow… But the most important of course are the people who stand behind the curtain and, amm yes - God is above all that I guess.'


I found out that Agnese separates her stage-wear from her daily clothes, ‘but somehow I still find a way to jump out of the plate. In total I can say that my styling abilities are very low - I am happy that I have worked with professional people who have helped me with the stage performance stuff, but as long as we speak about my casual clothing way - it is not so brilliant,’ her guess is that it’s the reason many people don’t even recognize her on the street. When I asked her about her current fashion obsession, she admitted to loving pink color, shorts & skirts, but added that she’s not keen on wearing jeans and pants at the moment.


Over the years I’ve noticed Triana Park doing collaborations with fashion designers such as QooQoo and others. Agnese says that collaborations are always cool, ‘they give you a new perspective on things. You have to do that if you want to get the best out of something. I believe the person can be good in different areas - fashion, arts, music, but if you want to get the things done right, you have to collaborate with people who know their job very well! We have a lot of cool people in Latvia, I hope to enjoy this process more in the future.’ And trust me when I say that I hope she does, I advise you to check out their fashion merch store HERE.


I really wanted to find out her thoughts about the local street fashion in Riga. ‘I have had some weird moments in my life when I see some really crazy street fashion from elderly people, and I am so amazed that I just want to pull out my camera and take a pic.' She then adds, 'in total I might say that our street fashion is kinda boring, but of course there are exceptions!


And last but not least I wanted to find out about what she and the band is currently up to. ‘Triana Park is now working on a new material and the studio process seems to take more time if two persons in the band are students. There are a lot of cool sketches and demos, but we are really trying our best to get it all together. We did some recording in Valmiera this summer and we did a really good collaboration with Estonian music producer Sethh, who is a music genius. A lot of things are going to be really new and I just hope that our listeners will love it as much as we do!

Photos from Triana Park’s personal archive.

Warning: Once you listen to this song, it’s stuck in your head! Give it a try!

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Maira Gall